Sweet Holiness on Mama's Birthday

Sermons in the Fog

I had 30 minutes in the kitchen. Two of my grandbabies were in the nursery with their Uncle. He babysat while I went into my favorite room in the house.  I got out the bundt pan and made a chocolate fudge cake.  While I worked, I turned a CD sermon on my kitchen radio. It was by the late Dr. Curtis Hutson.  It was so precious!  At the time the sermon was recorded (I think it was in the 1990's), he had cancer.  He was in his last days here in this world.  Someone had to help him onto the pulpit, he was so weak and weary.  He preached a beautiful, heart-stirring message, and he also broke into humble songs. I sat on my kitchen stool and frosted the cake, as gentle tears came to my eyes.  These were tears of sweet happiness.

In old southern churches, congregants are often seen crying with a peaceful and joyous look in their eyes.  Onlookers may not understand. But what is happening is that the message being preached (through a heart close to the Lord . . .  a humble precious heart), causes a melting of the normal coldness and frost the world seeps onto our hearts.  Our tears are ones of holiness.  We are being warmed by the fire of godliness and it melts our souls.  It makes us well.  The tears, with a sweet smile, is a sign of happy joy in the Lord.

I was so grateful to be in the kitchen doing what I love on this special birthday.  It is a good day to be revived and reflect upon one's life.  

How much more work can I do for the Lord? Each day is an honor and a gift.  Each birthday I am drawn closer to my last day here in this world.  I am heaven bound.  Not because of me, but because of the dear Lord who is longsuffering and merciful. 

I am so grateful for the laborers in God's holy fields, who lift us all up and encourage us along the way - no matter how rough and difficult the road can be.

Mrs. White

From the Archives:

We Need More of This - Homemaking Propaganda.

An Inspiring Life - Corrie ten Boom - In My Father's House.

Lovely Hymns - Singing Comfort to Baby.

Mrs. White's special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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Sweet Holiness on Mama's Birthday
Sweet Holiness on Mama's Birthday
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5