Bedtime at the Estate

Mother Wishes Her Two Children Goodnight

The sun had gone down. The grandchildren had their baths - the toddler and the newborn.  John (16) and I scurried around doing dishes and cleaning the parlour. All the children's toys and clothing from the day were put away.  The last of the laundry was finished and we tucked in all the kitchen chairs. 

"It is almost bedtime. . " I called out to one of the children.  I shut off the bright lights and turned on some dim lamps.  This is part of the signal to quiet down the day.  A nice cup of milk and a blanket and pillow were prepared for the toddler.  He laid down happily and was quiet in his little bed.  The newborn went off with mother.  The house was quiet and peaceful.

John and I sat at the table and did our Bible time. 

Soon it was time for we grown ups to go to sleep.  It had been such a long day, with so much work - laughter and noise! We had cleaned and cooked and worked here at the Estate. We were tired.

I love that children have their own bedtimes.  We adults work very hard watching over them and tending them.  It is good for them to have a routine of baths and quiet and snuggling up in their little beds.  We parents need to have our own peaceful, evening routines after the young ones are asleep.

While we do not always get every bit of the day's work finished here, I love to take one last glance back over the rooms before the last light goes out.  It is a moment of gratefulness for all we have, and I am able to rest content in our happy home.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

When you are too tired - Make the Mess Look Pretty.

Inspiration for Mothers - Radio Homemakers.

Remembering my Heritage - The Blessing of Being a Half - Southern Mama.

Mrs. White's special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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Bedtime at the Estate
Bedtime at the Estate
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5