Leaving the Blog World

Bogey's Pub

Dear Readers,

I wanted to send you a little warning note.  Sometime next week, I will stop blogging.  We are losing our Internet access.  In the past, I have been able to get around computer and Internet troubles, by visiting my local library and writing sporadically. However, at this point, I cannot get up the energy or the time to write while away from home. It would be too difficult.

Most of my writing is done by an open window, here at the Estate, in the spring and summer. This is when little ones are napping or the sun has not yet risen.  Those are the quiet moments when I can write.  At other times, I might be in the kitchen finishing up some homemade biscuits or making dinner. While the food was cooking, I would sit by the fire in winter and write.

Writing while away from home is not something I can manage.

Over the next few days, I will try to finish up some blog posts that are obligations (a homeschool review comes to mind.)  I had also planned to share a tour of the interior of our house.  We won't have time to finish up our projects and get a post ready in time.  I deeply apologize for this disappointment.

 I will also announce my new book that has just been published. It is my last book as far as I can see.  I started working on it a few months ago.  It is about being an old fashioned Christian housewife. I have received all kinds of questions, through email and comments, about being a housewife in today's financially difficult world and wanted to write this book to meet that need.  I hope to announce it early next week.   I hope you will be watching for it!

Since I won't be here, I dearly hope those of you who have been reading my blog, and who have enjoyed my books, that you will encourage others to visit here. The archives will remain.  I also hope you will recommend my books, which will continue to be available for sale on Amazon.

Some of you have my address and are welcome to write to me via regular mail.  I will do my best to write back.  I will also try to check my email every other month or so, if I am able to visit the library. [My email address is: puritanlight (at) gmail (dot) com ]

I had hoped to start a little newsletter to share my visits by regular mail, since I cannot write here anymore. I don't know if that will be possible. But it is an idea. (If this does happen, I will place the information on the sidebar of the blog before the end of next week.)

I expect my last post will be the announcement of my book.  Thank you so much for your constant encouragement and kindness over the last 5 years.  I will miss you!

Mrs. White

From the archives -

A beautiful place -  The Cultured Society of Home.

Please don't become one of these! - Ex - Housewife.

Don't let this be true!  - Only Rich People Have Clean Houses.

Mrs. White's special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."

Just in case I am able to come back:
An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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Leaving the Blog World
Leaving the Blog World
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5